•How far along?: 22 weeks!
•Current Weight: 125. I managed to gain 2 pounds despite my constant throwing up.
•Total weight gain: 2
•How big is baby?: Size of a papaya (or spaghetti squash - depending on the source); 11.5" and 1 pound! He's getting so big!!
•Maternity clothes?: Maternity jeans, and I started wearing maternity shirts, especially at work.
•Movement: Heck yes! He loves being feet down, and kicking my cervix. That is the weirdest feeling ever. And we can now see him kick through my stomach! :)
•Stretch marks?: Not yet, and hopefully not ever.
•Sleep?: Eh - it's so-so. Matt has been waking me up in the early morning with his snoring. It drives me nuts!
•Symptoms?: Throwing up, gas, RLP, back pain, leg cramps.
•Food aversions?: Nothing that I can think of now.
•Food cravings?: Still pizza, mac & cheese, pasta
•Labor signs?: Nope, thankfully.
•Belly button in or out?: Definitely almost even with my stomach!
•What I miss: Being able to move around quickly.
•What I'm looking forward to: Matt being able to feel Cael kick and move.
•Best Moment this week: Still feeling Cael move and kick. That will never get old.
•Milestone: Every passing day and week. Today I am pregnant, and I love my Cael.
:::I love you so much Cael!:::
Are you still having to take Zofran? Sorry the morning sickness hasn't left yet.